Online courses

Online First Aid for Parents and Carers (Non-accredited)
Child at Risk Refresher (Non-accredited)
CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk

Medication Administration Refresher Training (Non-accredited)

Driver and Road Side Safety Course

Pulse First Aid conducts First Aid training under the auspices and in partnership with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909.

Book a Course

HLTHPS006 Assist clients with medication

About the course

This course covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and provide medication assistance to a variety of clients and to support a client to self-administer their medication using the relevant mode of administration.  It also involves reading, understanding and accurately completing medication documentation such as care plans and medical charts after administration of medication.

Participants will learn about the importance of checking and confirming the care plan and details, client identity, correct medication including expiry dates, dosage instructions, correct dosage.  And conducting pre and post administration client checks, cleaning equipment, disposal and storage of medications according to organisation procedures.

The skills in this course apply to community services and health workers with authority in their state or territory to assist with the administration of medication and must be used in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice

Who is the course aimed at?
The qualification focuses on work in the ambulance industry done by volunteers or workers who provide a basic emergency response and transport roles in areas where there is a relatively low workload.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Delivery
This course will be delivered in the workplace or at a Pulse First Aid Training training facility.

Provider of Training and Assessment
This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 by Pulse First Aid Training.

Refund and fee protection policy, including cooling-off period – please refer to the student handbook.

Payment Terms
Payment for individual participants is upfront, group booking payment terms are based on agreement between the client and service provider.

Assessment Requirements
Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks. These are detailed in the sections following.

Entry Requirements
Participants must have the physical capacity to perform 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor.

Award issued
Award issued Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment for:

  • HLTHPS006 Assist clients with medication.

Refresher min. duration 840 minutes
Blended min. duration   N/A
Face-to-face min. duration: 840 minutes
Online with face-to-face min. duration: 120min

$500 per person

Frequently asked questions

What is a USI?

USI (Unique Student Identification)
This is a new Government requirement. Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from January 1 2015 onwards. Applying for your own USI number is relatively easy to complete.

To apply for a USI is quick and easy. Go to www

Step by step instructions on how to gain your USI number can be downloaded by clicking here.

For more information about the the USI go to:

Can I change the date once I've booked?

Yes. Look at the calendar and see what course you would like to change to, then send us an email using the contact form and we will send you a new invitation for the new date.

There is no additional cost to make this change this change.

What if I don't see a date for the course I want to book?

If you'd like to attend a course, but there is no date scheduled you should contact us using the contact form and let us know which course interests you. Often we have had other enquiries about the same course and are able to schedule a date that suits.

For more FAQs go here.